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I am an international relations expert. I work as a Marie Curie Fellow at the Complutense University of Madrid, a position funded by the European Union (grant no. 847635). I am also an Associate Researcher at the University of Sydney, and an Associate Fellow at the Italian Institute of International Affairs (IAI), a global top-20 international relations think tank.


My fields of expertise comprise Australian and Italian foreign and security policy; middle and great power theory; the Indo-Pacific; and irregular migration. I was awarded my PhD in International Relations in 2019 by the University of Sydney.


My research has been published by top-tier scientific journals, including International Affairs, International Political Science ReviewEuropean Political Science, Contemporary Politics, and many others. I have co-edited a volume on Italy-Australia relations, and another one on "Awkward Powers", a new concept in international relations. My latest book is "The foreign policy of irregular migration governance". I regularly cooperate with the Treccani Encyclopaedia, and I routinely conduct peer-reviews for the leading journals and publishers in my fields (see this website's "research" section).


I have taught a number of courses in different universities, including World politics and international relations, International security, Contemporary global issues, European politics, Migration politics, Development politics, and Australian foreign and security policy.


I have a strong institutional engagement. I have been invited as an expert at the Italian Parliament (both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies), the NATO Foundation, and the Spanish Ministry of Defence (IUGM Institute). I often cooperate with policymakers and diplomats on areas of common interest.


I have an extensive experience with media and public relations. Prior to joining academia, I worked in television (EcoTv) and radio (SBS) broadcasting companies, as well as in political foundations (UniVerde), dealing with domestic and global political affairs. I am often interviewed by media on international relations and security issues.


At the beginning of 2024 I was Visiting Fellow at the FIERI Institute, a leading think tank in Turin; in 2021-2022 I was Honorary Research Associate at ACIS, the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies. I have been named one of Italy's "most brilliant researchers in Australia" in 2022. I have been Vice President and Board Member of the Dante Alighieri Society Sydney (a not-for-profit) from 2017 to 2022.


I am a member of the International Studies Association (ISA), the Italian Political Science Association (SISP), and the Australian Political Science Association (APSA). I serve as a member of the International Relations Standing Group (SGRI) at SISP, and a member of the Research Group on International Migrations (GEMI) at the University of Madrid, two well-known research groups with international impact.


I read, cook, and write whenever I can, and when I don't I'm usually travelling somewhere new. Whether you'd like to request an interview or expert advice (consultation), or simply enquire about something, please feel free to contact me.

Dr. Gabriele Abbondanza, Australian political expert
Dr. Gabriele Abbondanza, Italian political expert
Gabriele Abbondanza, T. Wilkins, J. Ping, G. Merom, J. Kim
IUGM 11 May 2023 photo 1.jpg
Dr. Gabriele Abbondanza Italian parliament.jpg
Italia Indo-Pacifico Senato Abbondanza sml.jpg
Gabriele Abbondanza at NATO Foundation (Indo-Pacific 2025)).jpg



Australian Foreign and Security Policy

PhD in International Relations

University of Sydney, 2019

Italian Foreign and Security  Policy

Middle Power Theory

Great Power Theory

MA by Research in International Relations

University of Sydney, 2016

BA in Political Science

Roma Tre University, 2011


National Power

Irregular migration governance

© 2019-2025 - Dr. Gabriele Abbondanza

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